Bronchiectasis: radiology feature (ct chest /chest xray)


Ct scan of the chest: Bronchiectasis 

Bronchiectasis means abnormal dilatation of the bronchi. Chronic suppurative airway infection with sputum production, progressive scarring and lung damage occurs, whatever the cause.

Ct scan of Bronchiectasis
Film 01

Cause of Bronchiectasis:

 Cystic fibrosis 
 Ciliary dysfunction syndromes: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (immotile cilia syndrome) Kartagener syndrome (sinusitis and transposition of the viscera)
  Primary hypogammaglobulinaemia



 Severe infections in infancy (especially whooping cough, and measles) 
 Primary tuberculosis
  Inhaled foreign body 

Acquired: adults 

 Suppurative pneumonia
  Pulmonary tuberculosis
  Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis complicating asthma
  Bronchial tumours
Radiopedia of bronchiectasis
Ct scan 

Radiological finding :

Mild bronchiectasis may not be apparent on a plain chest X-ray. In advanced disease, thickened airway walls, cystic bronchiectasis spaces and associated areas of pneumonic consolidation or collapse may be visible. CT is much more sensitive and shows thickened dilated airways 
Reference: Davidson 24th edition

Xray of bronchiectasis
X-ray of chest
Honeycomb appearance ct scan of bronchiectasis
Ct scan of the chest.

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